a. Project NFT Contract
Project Principles: Creation and distribution of project works
Functions: Creation and management of NFTs produced by the project
Distribution: Creation of NFTs depending on the management of the project
b. User NFT Agreement
User Participation: Converting works from the community into NFTs
Functions: Users can upload their works to the platform and submit them to community voting.
Distribution: Conversion of winning works into NFT based on voting results
User Participation Process
Work Upload: Users upload their works to the platform (based on examples)
Community Voting: Voting on works by other users
Selection of Winners: Determination of winning works based on voting results
Income Distribution
Users: Will receive 90% of the winning entries
Project: The winner will receive 10% of the works
Project Values
Contribution to the Community: Encouraging user participation and supporting the arts
Equitable Distribution: Fair sharing of income between the community and the project.
Our terms are:
The nfts you share on our marketplace must be based on movies, TV series and cartoons. Draw it yourself or create it with artificial intelligence.
It should not contain copyright. For example, we do not accept any movie or other copies. Be yourself and be proud of your own creativity.
The New Feature: Video Sharing Integration:
Users now have the ability to share their favorite videos from platforms like YouTube directly on our platform.
By sharing videos on our platform, users make the viewing experience more enjoyable and engaging for the community.
How It Works:
Benefits of Sharing:
New Feature: Event Sharing and Rewards
How It Works?
Benefits of Sharing
This brief presentation emphasizes the new feature on your platform and how it benefits users by encouraging them to share their events and earn rewards in return.
Optimal Crypto Exchange: Next-Generation Swap Platform
Challenges and Needs
Solution: Next-Generation Swap Platform
How Does It Work?
What is MOVN?
How It Works?